How to Use Liquid Humic Acid for Plants? - FoliarTech®

How to Use Liquid Humic Acid for Plants?

Taking care of your plants doesn't have to be a difficult task. With the help of liquid humic acid, you can effectively nourish your garden and make sure that each plant can reach its full potential.

This naturally-occurring acid has numerous benefits, including increasing nutrient availability, improving soil fertility, and helping to protect plant roots against stressors such as extreme weather.

In this article, we’ll discuss what liquid humic acid is, how it works, and how to use it for optimal results.

What is Liquid Humic Acid?

Liquid humic acid is an effective organic fertilizer that enhances plant growth and boosts productivity. It is a naturally-occurring organic compound found in soil, peat, water, and sediment.

It's composed of multiple organic components that are formed when decomposed plant materials are exposed to bacteria or fungi.

This powerful acid has many beneficial properties for plants, including the ability to increase nutrient availability, improve soil fertility and protect plant roots from stressors like extreme weather conditions.

It can also help deter pests, neutralize harmful chemicals in the soil and combat salinity levels. Furthermore, liquid humic acid helps promote healthy root growth and boost overall plant health.

How Does Liquid Humic Acid Work? 

Humic acids are complex molecules made up of organic compounds. They are formed when decaying organic material breaks down over time and combine with minerals in the soil.

This process creates an environment in which essential nutrients are more readily available for plants to absorb through their roots or leaves.  

Additionally, liquid humic acid helps improve the physical structure of soils by increasing their water-holding capacity and reducing compaction.

It makes them better able to support root growth and prevent nutrient leaching due to heavy rains or irrigation.  

Moreover, liquid humic acid helps protect plants from environmental stressors like drought and extreme temperatures by improving their ability to absorb moisture and nutrients from the surrounding soil.

In doing so, it helps strengthen their defenses against disease and pests while promoting healthy growth overall. 

How does liquid humic acid simplify gardening? 

Liquid humic acid simplifies gardening by providing essential nutrients that promote healthier and more robust plant growth.

How to Use Liquid Humic Acid for Plants?

As a gardener, you're always looking for ways to improve the health and appearance of your plants. One way to do that is by using liquid humic acid.

Humic acid is derived from decomposed organic matter and is a great source of nutrients for plants. It can also help improve the structure of your soil and increase its moisture-holding capacity.

In this section, we'll show you how to use liquid humic acid for plants in six easy steps.

Choose the Right Product

There are many different products on the market that contain humic acid. When choosing a product, make sure to read the label carefully to ensure that it's safe for plants.

Some products are designed for foliar application, while others are meant to be mixed into the soil. 

Dilute the Humic Acid

Once you've chosen a product, it's time to mix it with water according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Be sure to use clean, filtered water so that your plants don't end up with any harmful chemicals in their roots. 

Apply the Mixture to Your Plants

You can apply the mixture directly to the leaves of your plants or drench the roots with it. If you're applying it to the leaves, be sure to avoid getting any on the stems or flowers. 

Repeat As Necessary

Depending on the type of plant and the time of year, you may need to apply humic acid every few weeks or so. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions for the best results. 

Store Leftover Mixture Properly

Any leftover mixture should be stored in a cool, dark place in an airtight container. Be sure to label it clearly so that you don't accidentally use it on your plants.

Dispose of Unused Mixture Properly

If you have any mixture left over that you don't plan on using, be sure to dispose of it properly.

Never pour it down the drain or throw it away in a landfill where it could leach into groundwater and contaminate drinking water supplies. 

Benefits of Using Liquid Humic Acid for Plants​

Liquid humic substances are an invaluable tool for promoting sustainable agriculture practices and optimizing crop production. They offer a multitude of benefits, such as improving the physiological processes of plants and facilitating enhanced nutrient uptake, which can result in increased yields of high-quality produce. 

Moreover, by reducing the reliance on chemical inputs, liquid humic substances help protect the environment by limiting the leaching of harmful contaminants into bodies of water and minimizing the impact of environmental stressors and pollutants on crop growth.

Their natural origin makes a safe, sustainable solution that you can trust compared to other synthetic solutions available market today.

Improved Plant Health

The use of liquid humic acid on plants can help boost overall health by increasing their resistance to diseases and damage caused by pests or weather extremes.

Humic acids are rich in antioxidants that support cell metabolism and strengthen cell walls which result in healthier plants that can better fight against disease and pests.

They also contain natural antibiotics that help protect plants from infection.

Increased Nutrient Uptake

Bioavailable nutrients are responsible for providing essential nutrition to maintain optimal growth in crops.

Liquid humic acid helps break down complex molecules so they can be absorbed more easily by the root system resulting in increased nutrient uptake.

This translates into increased photosynthesis which leads to higher yields due to bigger blooms or fruits which have improved flavor profiles as well as better quality products overall.

Improved Soil Quality

Applying liquid humic acids to soils can significantly improve their physical condition, such as structure, aeration, porosity, water retention capacity, etc., all important factors that influence soil fertility levels as well as crop productivity.

In addition to improving drainage characteristics, it also has been shown to reduce the number of pesticides used while boosting yields due to its antifungal activity on crops sensitive to fungal infections, such as winter wheat or potato crops, when applied regularly over a time period monitored consistent intervals during the growing season.

Reduction Of Stress And Pollution

One major benefit of using liquid humic acids on plants is that it helps protect them from both biotic (insects and pests) and abiotic (drought and heat stress) stresses induced by adverse environmental conditions.

It also provides protection from heavy metals present in contaminated soil or runoff from nearby industrial sites reducing exposure levels to these toxic pollutants, thus safeguarding the environment long run.

Enhances Environmental Sustainability

The use of liquid humic acid is a crucial component of sustainable farming practices. It can help to reduce the need for chemical fertilizers, lower agricultural input costs, and prevent the depletion of essential resources such as water and soil fertility.

In addition, the acidic nature of this product can play a significant role in reducing the leaching of nutrients into surrounding ecosystems. This is beneficial for the overall health of the environment and can have a positive impact on human life and other living organisms in the area where it is used.

By utilizing liquid humic acid, farmers can promote sustainable farming practices that are more environmentally friendly and cost-effective. This product can help to optimize soil conditions, enhance nutrient uptake, and promote plant growth. 

Moreover, it can reduce the need for chemical inputs, which can have negative impacts on both the environment and human health.

Humic Elite PG™ - Recommended for Your Plants

FoliarTech premium humic acid liquid formula is OMRI-certified organic, made from pure Humalite from Alberta, Canada. 

With its rapid foliar absorption and ability to fight environmental stress, Humic Elite PG™ can drastically improve soil health while boosting chlorophyll output and enhancing fertilizer performance - all with just 30% less fertilizer usage. 

Not only that, but this dynamic solution also loosens compacted soil, regulates PH levels, and creates microbial activity in the root zone, resulting in fewer weeds and pests, more oxygen to the root zone, and healthier root zones overall. 

It’s no wonder that so many farmers are turning to this cost-effective product for improved yields and better results in their fields.


Using liquid humic acid for plants is an excellent way to improve plant growth and health. It boosts the nutrient uptake of essential minerals allowing for increased yields and quality, reduces the effects of environmental stressors and pollutants, increases water retention capacity in soil systems, and supports sustainable agricultural practices. 

As a natural product with a safe origin, it provides a reliable solution when compared to other chemical inputs or synthetic solutions. 

Liquid humic acid can be applied as a soil amendment prior to planting or added directly to irrigation systems during crop cycles to take full advantage of its benefits.

We recommend you should try Humic Elite PG™. This liquid plant food contains a special blend of humic acid and fulvic acid that helps condition soil, promote root growth, and boost plant yields. Plus, it’s an organic fertilizer that's OMRI certified - perfect for organic farmers and those who want to use natural fertilizers in their lawns or flower gardens.

Enhance plant growth with liquid humic acid, an effective organic fertilizer that simplifies gardening and boosts productivity. Purchase now to experience its benefits firsthand.

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